proactive tab freeze and discard
proactive tab freeze and discard


How to Enable or Disable Tab Freezing in Google Chrome


** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

How do I keep a tab from refreshing?

You can reduce tab discarding by keeping open tabs to a minimum or opting for a model with more available RAM.

How to Enable or Disable Tab Freezing in Google Chrome

This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable the Tab Freeze feature in Google Chrome for your account in Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10.

Inactive tabs discarded and reloaded despite tab discard flag disabled

Inactive tabs are being discarded and reloaded, even though I set the Proactive Tab Freeze and Discard flag to 'disabled'. How can this ...

Proactive Tab Freeze & Discard mode?

Freeze means stopping background tab's time based js from running indefinitely; & discard is unload tab's content from memory.

Proactive Tab Freeze And Discard cant be disabled

I starts after 4-6 tabs open. I have 4 GB RAM and prefer to close tabs myself, and thus want to disable the function but it seem not possible. Please note that ...

So what happened to chrome:flags#proactive-tab-freeze-and

It appears to be enabled by default with no option to disable it. This breaks a use case of mine with Jellyfin and Chromecast control. After 5 ...

Tab DiscardingProactive Tab Freeze constantly refreshing my tabs

It is caused by a bug. The bug is being fixed. Until it is fixed, a reboot usually takes care of the issue for more than a few hours.

What's the new setting to disable the auto discardreload tab feature?

Chrome only keeps content loaded on a page while that tab is in focus - if I tab off the page the content is discarded and the tab will reload when I tab back ...

[question] optimal state of Proactive Tab Freeze and Discard ...

What exactly do you mean by 'always un-suspends on click'? you mean, when you focus the tab? Where are you clicking?

【問題】Chrome 如何禁用「自動捨棄分頁」功能?

在我看來是一個智障到爆的決定,我有32G 的ram 竟然還會自動捨棄分頁? 而且我找到唯一的解決方法是到chrome://discards/ 底下手動一個一個點取消.


YoucanreducetabdiscardingbykeepingopentabstoaminimumoroptingforamodelwithmoreavailableRAM.,ThistutorialwillshowyouhowtoenableordisabletheTabFreezefeatureinGoogleChromeforyouraccountinWindows7,Windows8,orWindows10.,Inactivetabsarebeingdiscardedandreloaded,eventhoughIsettheProactiveTabFreezeandDiscardflagto'disabled'.Howcanthis ...,Freezemeansstoppingbackgroundtab'stimebasedjsfromrunningindefini...